广泛而稳定的客户网络 公司拥有长久而紧密的政府协作


发布时间:2024-06-17        浏览次数:0

• 仪器、试剂中间生产企业/采购商

• Intermediate manufacturers/buyers of instruments and reagents


• 大专院校及科研机构(包括科学院、研究所、重点实验室、研发中心、工程中心、检测中心、技术支撑平台等)

• Universities, colleges and scientific research institutions (including academies of sciences, research institutes, key laboratories, R&D centers, engineering centers, testing centers, technical support platforms, etc.)


• 公共事业部门(质检、商检、药检、环保、市政工程等)

• Public sector (quality inspection, commodity inspection, drug inspection, environmental protection, municipal engineering, etc.)


• 医疗卫生、疾病控制、检验检疫相关单位

• Medical treatment and health, disease control, inspection and quarantine related units


• 药品/食品/保健品等产品研发及生产制造企业

• R&D and manufacturing enterprises of pharmaceutical/food/health products


• 电子、半导体、材料、化工、能源、石油、钢铁、冶金、军工、农林牧、防治、航空航天、机械制造等行业

• Electronics, semiconductors, materials, chemicals, energy, petroleum, steel, metallurgy, military, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, prevention and control, aerospace, machinery manufacturing and other industries


• 第三方检测机构、认证机构及其它质量检测监督机构

• Third-party testing institutions, certification institutions and other quality monitoring institutions


• 政府相关职能管理部门、行业协会、媒体等

• Government functional authorities, industry associations, media, etc.